All Peter Hess® Therapy Singing Bowls are made of a specially developed bronze alloy with a total of 12 metals. They follow an old tradition and have excellent sound and vibration quality.
Peter Hess developed the singing bowl massage in Germany in 1984.
After testing thousands of “singing bowls”, he could not find suitable bowls for his bodywork and deep relaxation. That’s why he embarked on a journey to develop his own singing bowls that met his quality standards for sound and vibration.
The development took some years of research, attempts, and searching for the right blacksmith… In 1995, in India, a 90-year-old man actually remembered the metal composition and the manufacturing process to revive the traditional production technique.
The singing bowls are forged from a cast blank. The elaborate forging technique ensures that they vibrate much longer and more evenly.
Good pre-selection is already taking place in the production countries of Nepal and India. The bowls are tested several times for quality to the highest standards. Nevertheless, some bowls do not meet the requirements for the quality seal “Peter Hess® Therapy Singing Bowl - professional therapeutic quality.” Therefore, all singing bowls are again intensively tested for quality in Germany.
The “Therapeutic Quality” seal is only awarded if the singing bowls absolutely meet all the sound and visual criteria set by Peter Hess himself and the company “Hess Sound” in Germany.
The therapeutic quality of the singing bowls is well known as the jewel among the singing bowls. They were developed for professional sound work with the Peter Hess® Sound Methods.
Stay curious! For more information about the jewels under the singing bowls come back to this blog.
Maja Dethloff | SOUNDfeelings UK
Peter Hess® Academy UK
88 Hawth Park Road
Seaford, BN25 2RJ, United Kingdom